Saturday, August 20, 2011

Asian Dating Makes Online Dating Kinder

Many online dating sites cater to American clients, some to Russian and some to Asian. While they may be successful online dating sites, there is a difference in difficulty for a webmaster to maintain clients and a friendly community atmosphere. A lot of the difficulty could be contributed to the fact the webmaster is an American webmaster dealing with unfamiliar cultures.
One American online dating webmaster told me of his experience as a webmaster of a Russian dating site. The biggest problem was there was a communication gap, not only between the webmaster and the members, but amongst the members themselves. The webmaster felt more like a referee constantly settling disputes amongst members. Even when two members found some common ground, a misunderstanding amongst members was difficult to resolve if there was a cultural difference. Running a Russian site requires a webmaster with a Russian background to solve some of the more complex membership issues.
You would think an American running an American dating site would be easier. However, the bickering was as often, if not more so, than it was running a Russian site. In a years time, the membership problems and the in-house disputes left the webmaster wondering if online dating was more about crisis management than it was about love management.
Many webmasters report that the atmosphere and every day management of an Asian site is as calm and friendly as the Asian culture. The fact that many Asian dating webmasters are also married to an Asian lady may be reason for their inspiration and effectiveness.
Unlike the Russian and American dating sites, there never seems to be a dispute or misunderstanding with Asian sites. Webmasters seem to enjoy getting to know the members and the members seem to appreciate the effort a webmaster gives to the site. Even if the Asian site consists of male members from around the world, with the lady members mostly from Asian countries, the atmosphere is reflected by the Asian culture. If you know anything about the Asian culture, you probably know they are known for their friendliness and warmth. This same characteristics is reflected in the overall online dating atmosphere making it a kinder and friendlier site for all members to enjoy.
For those who want to take exception to this philosophy about what culture makes for a better webmaster experience, please do. But also there could be some truth that the online dating experience is dominated by the prevalent culture of the site.